Just about any hosting plan will support both.They both have the same requirements. If your site is running phpBB now you can install Wordpress on it.So assuming we went with Wordpress.org, can anyone suggest a host that also supports the LAMP stack for phpBB?
Couple of pointers, hopefully your forum is in it's own directory e.g. yourdomain.com/forum/, If so install WordPress in the domain root. Note you may have to edit the Wordpress .htaccess file so it ignores the phpBB directory.
If your forum is installed in the root of the domain you'll need to install Wordpress in it's own sub directory.
If you are not upgraded to the latest version of phpBB do that first. The reason for that is you can increase the php version on your server before installing Wordpress.
Statistics: Posted by thecoalman — Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:25 pm