Thank You!
I've successfully set up my groups with the correct permissions, but I can't see a way to "hold" them in the welcome forum until they are verified by myself, it says they would be moved after x amount of posts, but do they move to the Newly registered user role until I move them? I think that is the case, If so do I need to edit that role so they can post ONLY in welcome forum? can you point me to where I can set so only 1st post is authorised by admin please.

I've successfully set up my groups with the correct permissions, but I can't see a way to "hold" them in the welcome forum until they are verified by myself, it says they would be moved after x amount of posts, but do they move to the Newly registered user role until I move them? I think that is the case, If so do I need to edit that role so they can post ONLY in welcome forum? can you point me to where I can set so only 1st post is authorised by admin please.
Statistics: Posted by andy259 — Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:08 pm